Jen-Tse (Jay) Huang 黃任澤
My first name sounds like: Yen-Zuh
Other Names: Renze Huang 黄任泽

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I will be a Postdoc in the Center for Language and Speech Processing (CLSP) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), working with Prof. Mark Dredze.

I'm a final year Ph.D. student in the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), supervised by Prof. Michael R. Lyu. Currently, my research interest lies in large language models + social science, such as psychology, sociology, and economics. Also, I work closely with Dr. Wenxiang Jiao and Dr. Zhaopeng Tu at the NLP Center of Tencent AI Lab.

I obtained my B.Sc. in Computer Science at Peking University in 2019. I was a student in Yuanpei College, where students can choose any majors and take any courses from the entire university. This chance made me able to enjoy the knowledge not only in computer science, but also psychology, sociology, economics, and philosophy.

  • [Apr 2 2024] "On the Humanity of Large Language Models," at Fudan University, Shanghai. [News (Chinese)]
  • [Mar 6 2024] Youth PhD Talk-ICLR 2024, AI TIME, Online. [News (Chinese)]
Teaching Assistant of CSCI3100: Software Engineering, 2021, 2022
Teaching Assistant of ENGG2440A: Discrete Math for Engineers, 2020
      Journal Reviewership is listed in ORCID.

Rm 101A, 1F, Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong

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